rifle hunting
Arms and ammunition
other most frequently asked question is that of what caliber to bring. It is our experience, and
recommendation, that you bring along the rifle(s) with
which you are most comfortable.
Having said this, one must also bear in mind that it is absolutely not the intention to try and encourage you to use a 270 Win when hunting buffalo or elephant! If you were interested in hunting plains game only, a 30-06 would suffice when using premium grade bullets.
In fact we would strongly advise that you only bring premium grade bullets.
The calibers most commonly brought along to Africa are (in no particular order) the 7mm Mag, 7mm Ultra Mag, 30-06, 300 Win Mag and other .30 calibers. This is merely a statement and should not be seen as any recommendations.
It is law in this, and many other countries, that any of the dangerous game animals (elephant, rhino, leopard, lion, cape buffalo and hippo), may only be hunted with a minimum caliber of 375 and larger.
with using the most suitable caliber and premium grade
bullets, the next important issue would be shot
placement. It is our firm belief that it is shot
placement that kills an animal, and not caliber. It is a
bold statement that can be defended.
Please ensure that you spend time on the shooting range before departing on a trip of a lifetime. Make sure you know your rifle, how it performs and where it shoots at various distances.
Also, to make your travels ''hassle free'', we can recommend a travel agent in the states and in South Africa. These people have all the rifle permit papers and recommendations, and can make your safari so much smoother!
If you don't feel like the
hassle of all the paperwork to bring your rifles in and
out of the country, please feel free to ask about the
calibers we have to rent out.
When arriving in South
Africa, be sure to have Phirima Safaris full
contact details:
Phirima Safaris, PO Box 43691, Heuwelsig, 9332, South Africa
Tel 082 903 3003- Riaan van der Merwe